Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Luke Mendola's project presentation

This evening I went to York lecture hall in IHS to spectate my fellow WISE student presenting his project. Luke's project was learning to play the harmonica, if that was his only goal that he is an overachiever. Not only did Luke learn to play the harmonica, but he gave a detailed background of the instrument, taught us how they work, and even had a live jam session with another WISE student who played the guitar! After watching Luke's presentation I though a lot about mine. I need more visual aids. I'm thinking about bringing in various tools that I found helpful, and because my presentation will be preformed to a much smaller audience, I will be able to pass around parts and important objects from my project. I will begin a creating a slide show soon, and practice presenting to ensure that I meet the time constraints. Overall, I though Luke's presentation was extremely well done, I can't vouch for his Narrative or his journal, but his presentation was A+ material.

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