Sunday, May 5, 2013

Happiness revisited

1.) I feel most happy with an empty mind. I'm not misunderstanding the question, some people say achievements makes them happy, others think that tangible objects make them happy, but I simply think that being stress free makes me happiest. Not having to conform to a deadline, or worry about disappointing someone else is the best feeling in the world. This is part of the reason why I love summer, even though I work in the summer, I'm a self employed vegetable farmer, which means that the only person I would be disappointing is myself (well, the customers and workers too). I find a perfect balance of responsibility in the summer and that balance makes me happy.

2.) This article talks about how happiness and "flow" go hand in hand. I interpreted flow as how happy you are making yourself, without outside interference's. Being in a state of flow means you are completely focused  and nothing can distract you, It doesn't need to be productive, as long as it makes you satisfied. This article explains how there is no way to accurately write about flow and have it relate to each reader, because each reader finds flow in different things.

3) I fall in between A1 and A4, just below the flow channel (If we're talking about my WISE project). I came in to this project with too much knowledge of the topic, as a result I get bored easily and unmotivated. This mindset results in a downward spiral of productivity. The more I think about my project, the easier I think it is, thus; the less I work on it.

4.) Toward the beginning  of my WISE project I knew that some aspects of the project would be tedious and boring (The freaking DMV). Although, I though with the right mindset I could power through these obstacles. Unfortunately, I've lost drive with these tasks, I'm almost out of resources (money) and it's making me less and less interested the legal area of my WISE project.

5.) I think I can achieve flow better by setting smaller goals before the large ones. I need to make getting the bike appraised my first goal, then I can move my goal to taking the appraisal to the bonding agency, and ultimately I can make my goal obtaining a title from the bonding agency. Either way, my goals are too big and non-tangible to tackle all at once, It's time to reevaluate them.   

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